About Marilyn Howshall
My life is devoted to the ministry of the heart, where my goal is to help parents, pastors and leaders to become competent working in the heartbeat of the family, so they can write the best possible family story.
“So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well.” ~ Philippians 1:9
“The goal of our instruction is love, which springs from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith” ~ 1 Timothy 1:5
My adult education and work experiences have been unconventional, so I’ve included some explanation of how I got to the place of being able to minister to and help others.
My calling began within my family
Even though I was raised in a loving and stable home environment, I spent the last half of my thirties overcoming the low expectations of my upbringing and lack of real life preparation. With a heightened sense of urgency, to turn around the big ship of my own young family’s relational brokenness, I created a home for my family—a safe place to receive God’s work in my heart to form character and to begin my self-education and growth.
My spiritual and life lessons (as the Lord led me to the cross) began in the “school of Christ” with my own dear husband and precious children while I was also learning how to educate my children.
I intentionally addressed our spiritual lives from a basis of relational reality. With God’s abundant wisdom and love, He filled the void in my soul while providing first hand experience and understanding for how growth and learning happens in people. The resulting confidence and love empowered me to train my children’s hearts and minds toward relational, moral character [Christlike character] formation with the same vital and practical processes God used to train me.
My husband, Jim eventually responded to my help to overcome his own relational hindrances, and preserve his influence with his children. Our family went on to experience the joys of a much happier family life and Jim and I grew in marital unity. Our hearts became locked together and one in Christ as we practiced the life-long lessons of learning to love much and love well.
To sum up that pivotal season, the strength of my conversion and later transformation led to an abundance of ordinary days, while raising my children and educating them at home, that were filled with His extraordinary love—Love that overflowed and led to a lifetime of purpose and ministry to other families.
The beginning of my ministry to others
My husband and I co-founded Lifestyle of Learning™ Ministries in 1990, With my unique message, I’ve taught and ministered in the broader homeschooling community ever since. I wrote a number of books, beginning with Wisdom’s Way of Learning in 1994. This opened up speaking opportunities as an invited featured speaker at several state conventions, but I did most of my speaking at 3-day conferences and women’s retreats I held throughout the country for 15 years.
The thousands of questions I received from moms in letters and at meetings almost always pointed to the need for a relational answer.
I could see the distress of their soul and deep-seated concerns they carried for their families.
This experience taught me that
the average homeschool mom (including myself) wasn’t relationally and emotionally fit enough for loving deeply and leading her children to a heart-level relationship with the Lord.
Like myself and my husband,
parents lack the inner equipping that relational-based discipling processes offer when carried out in the childhood home and church.
Parents begin their marriage and their parenting often from a place of deficit. This led me to join spiritual growth principles with the home educating principles I taught in my written and spoken messages about Lifestyle of Learning™.
Seeing the need in the parents I was ministering to, I began to focus my writing even more toward the practical processes of internal spiritual growth and development. My latest book, Empowered—Healing the Heartbeat of Your Family, published in late 2011, came out of my relational ministry to Christian parents.
In 2012 I produced a series of mini coaching programs called Making Heart-Level Connections, to help believers become more powerfully connected to the work God wants to do in their heart. I began to move away from writing books to audio presentations of my message.
In 2015 we launched M.INT. 4-day weekend events. We’ve held four types of in person M.INT. (Master Intensive) weekends: Dove M.INT. conferences for women, Marriage M.INT.s (small groups of only three couples). We added Junior M.INT.s (for 2-3 families with older teens) in 2016, and Empower M.INT. conferences in 2019 where we expose the demonic influence behind the difficulties people have in their relationships and helped them to get free of these strongholds.
I always minister from a basis of addressing the heart-level dynamic of relational behavior, while providing believers with a practical execution of truths to heal the heartbeat of marriage and family.
As social media has made video delivery so much easier, I have moved my ministry to video messages.
The Lord has blessed us with a thriving Christian community of younger families that have surrounded our family and keeps us going strong. We get to experience the unfolding true story of authentic Christian living portrayed in Scripture. Jim and I are viewed as the senior ministers of this vitally relational church that God formed and established by His Spirit—Empowered Hearts Community Church.
The leaders in training in my community continue to grow in their teamwork to support the on-line outreach of my ministry, currently through facebook challenges.
We believe that the best avenue for discipling believers that brings them into Christlike maturity and authenticity is through addressing their relationships to become open and established at the heart level—loving much, and loving well.
My passion is to cooperate with the Lord to help parents become emotionally and relationally fit. One of my specialities is mobilizing wives to become true helpers to their husbands so dads can heal their relationships with their children, and gain influence in their lives.
I enjoy dispensing practical wisdom that transforms lives and the relational culture of the home and therefore the relational culture of the church.
The blessing to me is getting to witness powerful changes of heart in parents, teenagers, and young children that translates into more meaningful relationships in the family and between families in community life.
My husband, Jim, and I were high school sweethearts, in the most innocent sense of that expression, and we married when we found each other again after having gone down the wrong relational paths for several years. We’ve always felt that God knew our hearts toward each other when we and our parents didn’t. He gave us a second chance to get it right. We are deeply grateful for our mutual deep commitment and lasting love, and for our four adult children, three in-loves, and growing troup of blessings from the Lord—8 precious, active grandsons, and one sweet, adorable granddaughter. We enjoy being open-heartedly involved in one another’s lives.
Jim and I eagerly help out with our grandchildren whenever we can. Living in the great Northwest surrounded by family and dear friends, we look forward to any opportunity to enjoy God’s amazing creation with our favorite people. My family and community live in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
I’m so grateful to serve the Lord with what He’s given me to share.
18+ books
YouTube Channel 85+ video messages
Facebook Video Challenges 65+ video messages
Founder and Speaker of M.INT. Events
Ladies retreats - turning hearts of moms to the Lord, and to their children
Marriage conferences - large gathering of married couples
Women's conferences - large gatherings of women—young ladies, moms, and grandmothers, bringing generational to the family
Family conferences - parents with their teenagers promoting family relational health
Marriage intensives - 2-3 married couples working to set their marriages in spiritual unity
Family intensives - 2-3 family units of parents with their teens working to set their family into right relating and spiritual unity
Correct understanding and belief is of crucial importance for the Christian. For there are many false prophets, false Christs, and many who teach a different Jesus; a person with the same name as the Jesus of the Bible but with a completely different identity. We at Empowered Hearts Ministries are committed to the following statement of belief concerning teachings of Scripture. ~ Jim Howshall
The Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments in their original manuscripts, are inspired of God, and good for doctrine, reproof and correction that all God’s children can be thoroughly equipped for every good work. The Bible is a testimony of God, who He is and who man is, what man’s sin has done and what God’s love for man has done. From the book of Genesis, how it started, to the Revelation, how it all will end, God has revealed Himself and His plan of salvation.
There is one God existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Deuteronomy 4:35, 39; Isaiah 44:6-8). The Father is God (many references including Ephesians 6:23; Philippians 1:2). The Son is God (John 1:1; Colossians 1:15, 2, 9; Titus 2:13). The Holy Spirit is God (Acts 5:3-4; 2 Corinthians 3:17-18). The three are not identical as to person but in unity. The three persons of the godhead do not exist or work separately or independently of each other.
God the Son manifested in the flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. He is both God and man in that God the Son took on the nature of man. Jesus Christ never stopped being God at any time. He emptied Himself of the glory He had with the Father (Matthew 1:23; 1 John 4:2, 10, 14-15; Revelation 1:17-18; Philippians 2:5-11; John 17:1-5).
He was born of a virgin (Matthew 1:23). He lived a sinless life (Hebrew 7:26; 1 Peter 2:22). He performed many miracles (Acts 2:22).
He died on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of the world (1 Corinthians 15:3; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Isaiah 53:1-12 “...and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all”). He did not become sin, as some modern teachers preach, rather sin was laid upon Him as the scapegoat (Leviticus 4:4, 24, 33; Leviticus 16:21-22).
He was buried and on the third day He rose from the dead in His own body (Matthew 28:1-7; 1 Corinthians 15:4). The Father raised Jesus (Galatians 1:1). Jesus raised himself (John 2:19-21). The Holy Spirit raised Jesus (Romans 8:11).
He is exalted and is seated at the right hand of God (Acts 1:9, 11; Philippians 2:9-11). He is coming again in power and glory to judge the world in righteousness (Zechariah 14:5; Matthew 24:27; Revelation 19:11-24).
The Holy Spirit of God, third person of the godhead, was sent by God to convict of sin, effect regeneration and glorify Jesus Christ. He indwells and comforts the believers. He baptizes all believers into the body of Christ and bestows gifts to all believers. The fruit of the Spirit is the evidence of maturity in the Spirit (John 4:24, 14:16-1, 15:26, 16:8-11; 1 Corinthians 12:3-13; Gal 5:22-26; 1 Peter 2:22).
All mankind inherited, from Adam, a depraved nature and are lost sinners in need of a savior (Romans 3:9-19; Ephesians 2:1-3).
Salvation is a free gift from God apart from any work or deed of man. Salvation is given in repentance of sin, by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ and His work alone (Matthew 4;17; Romans 3:23-27, 10:9-10; Ephesians 1:7, 2:4-10; Galatians 2:20). At salvation, through the power of the Holy Spirit, one surrenders his will to Christ. The redeemed are secure in Christ forever as they embrace the process of sanctification and persevere toward moral and spiritual maturity (John 6:37-40; Romans 8:1, 38, 39; Colossians 1:10-22; Philippians 2:12-13; Titus 2:11-14)
The Great Commission, along with the need of the dying world in which we live, calls for all people of God to engage the harvest using whatever gifts He has entrusted to us. Since women are redeemed, anointed, gifted, called and loved by God in exactly the same way as men, we categorically affirm that women should be fully released to exercise their gifts for any and every facet of ministry.
Anyone called by God and verified through character, spiritual experience and preparation for service or leadership, is qualified for ministry in any role or office, regardless of gender, age or ethnicity.
The existence in the secular world of bigotry against women cannot be denied. But there is no place for such an attitude in the body of Christ. The message of redemption has been carried to remote parts of the world through the ministry of dedicated, Spirit-filled men and women. A believer's gifts and anointing should still today make a way for his or her ministry. Gal 3:27-28
Testimonies from My Team members
I’m Barbie Poling wife to Tim Poling, mom of 5, 3 of them with spouses, and gramma to 2. I was raised in charismatic Baptist church where my parents were leaders/elders/teachers/counsellors. I went on to be very involved in various Foursquare and Assembly of God churches as an adult, serving as worship minister, children’s and youth minister, and served as board members and assistant pastors with my husband Tim.
I was introduced by a friend to Marilyn Howshall’s books about home education in 2004. Her writings spoke deeply to my heart about the Lord’s plans for my children and our education and we radically changed the way we home educated for the better at that time. In 2005, to my shock and delight, I discovered Marilyn lived quite close to me, and I began attending meetings in her home. I could see that she had teachings and ability to help people in the Spirit that I had never seen anywhere else. At that time I was trying to help some homeschooling people with their troubled relationships, and I could see that I wasn’t able to help them, and neither were any pastors or leaders I knew of or could find.
In 2006, Marilyn began to minister to me and my family more personally. Over that time, many miracles happened in my family. (My testimony surrounding this time is lengthy, and so to be succinct, I’ve included links to more of my story.)
Through Marilyn’s ministry I began to see my deep need for heart-level repentance and change. I was soon able to repent to my children and win back the hearts of my two oldest who were around the ages of 13 and 14. They had been on a path of resistance and closed heartedness - my son especially. I began to see my wrong relating with my husband, and to repent and change, eventually helping him to see his wrong relating with me and the kids, and helping him to win back their hearts too.
I’ve been blessed to walk alongside Marilyn as she has ministered to families ever since. Marilyn has a very effective ability to help people see what is keeping them stuck in sin and stuck in brokenness in their closest relationships. She helps people see what they need to be free from along with extremely practical steps to get there and then to restore their relationships to heart-level love and closeness.
Since knowing Marilyn, I’ve been set free of rejection, neglect, victim mentality, co-dependency with my once angry husband, a religious spirit, and pride. Because of Marliyn’s teaching and ministry, my children have grown with their hearts fully turned to us as their parents, receiving our influence, serving the Lord, and have never walked in doubt or rebellion. They love to be together and with us, and are building business together.
Marilyn has many strengths I’ve witnessed in the 15 years I’ve walked closely with her. She has a deep relationship with the Lord and is Holy Spirit led. She has unconditional love and is a Christlike example. Her messages, blogs, articles, programs, videos and books are extremely practical. She has a deep knowledge of God’s way of working in people to bring them to surrender to Him, and the ability to see what specifically is keeping individuals stuck in their relationships with their family and
with the Lord.
Marilyn can see the particular steps forward for individuals, and point them there in a practical way. She has strong vision and leadership for her business and for our community of believers.
Her ministry is effective to see people get set free from life-long strongholds. She is a generous giver of time, resources, finances and wise counsel. She’s completely self-motivated and always moving forward. She’s also a loving wife, parent, and grandparent.
More about the miracles in my life
Marilyn’s more personal ministry to my family began with her taking on my deep concern for my situation with my mom, who at the time was living with us and had advanced alzheimer’s disease. Her presence in our home was sour. She was angry, demanding, and often frightened my children with her aggressiveness. She was unable to care for herself in any way, and her memory was about 10 seconds long or less. Marilyn’s ministry to my mom and to our family was characterized by many miracles of my mom becoming lucid for short periods of time in which she repented and became completely and permanently changed in spirit for the next 4 years of her life until she passed away. You can read our story in this short ebook “Remembering Ellen” here:
Here are some blog posts about winning back my son’s heart. http://lolache.com/LOLblog/some-simple-tasks/
Here are some blog posts about reconciling my relationship with my husband Tim. http://lolache.com/LOLblog/wrong- thinking/
I’m married to Barbie Poling and we have 5 children. Three of our kids are married and we have 2 grandchildren.
I grew up in an Assemblies of God church and accepted Christ as a child. I was baptized in water and filled with the Holy Spirit as a teen. As an adult, I attended a Foursquare church where we served on the church council, children's ministry, and assistant pastors.
I did all the things I thought a good Christian ought to do: personal devotions, church attendance, involved in church activities, and tithed. However, these things didn’t produce a real and vital personal relationship with the Lord. It produced self-righteousness and arrogance, all-the-while areas of sin and strongholds still controlled my life. I was often angry with my wife and kids, blaming them and tearing them down. I wanted a real relationship with God and thought my Christian service and Bible study should produce it, but it didn’t.
After Marilyn helped my wife, Barbie, understand how to make changes and restore relationship with our kids, Barbie began helping me to see my sin. I began the process of repentance and change, repairing and restoring my relationship with my wife, kids, and the Lord.
I am so grateful that the Lord rescued me from my unloving and self-centered ways. He sent Marilyn into our lives to help show us the way. I’m privileged to assist the ministry in whatever way I can so that other families can experience reconciliation.
When I discovered Marilyn Howshall’s resources for homeschooling parents, I was in a desperate place. I had sweet children and I felt we had good family relationships, but I knew I was still missing something. I could see that while my kids outwardly cooperated with me, I was not reaching their hearts.
I had grown up in a strong Christian environment with parents who loved and cared for me and my siblings, but I saw how, over time, there was a breakdown in their ability to influence us or transfer their faith to us at the heart level.
I could see how I didn't want to listen or receive from them at times and wondered why. They were kind parents and I loved them, but something within me also resisted them. I feared repeating this pattern and losing influence or the ability to transfer my faith to my children too. I was afraid they might walk away from desiring God’s influence as well.
As my kids approached their teen years, I felt them pulling back from me, disregarding some things I wanted them to grasp, and I could see how I was beginning to lose their hearts. I felt desperate for help and cried out to the Lord for direction. The Lord led me to Marilyn Howshall's ministry. Through her messages, I came to learn about the what it really means to have your child's hearts, relational Holy Spirit led education and building true character in myself and in them.
Reading her book “Empowered—Healing the Heartbeat of Your Family,” I began to understand that relational discipleship begins in our first community—our immediate family. My husband Peter Marshall and I had been in vocational ministry, we had both gone to seminary and we had a lot of bible knowledge, but we had never heard what Marilyn was teaching about relational discipleship and it was changing our lives and bringing restoration to our family relationships!
We had not fully understood how our particular relational habits revealed our character, how to relationally disciple our children. Marilyn’s ministry helped me see that the relational patterns I had with my family affected the influence I would have in their hearts. It stressed to me how much I needed the Holy Spirit's help to correct and instruct me.
I needed to know what to do to love like Him, die to my selfish desires and self-made importance, and to really come to experience His love. When I relate in love, I come into my true identity in the Lord. I came to see how my loving or unloving relating impacted the influence I had with my family members and also affected whether or not they truly felt known and understood by me.
Through obeying the Lord as we learned from Marilyn’s ministry, my husband and I have become more honest, loving and intimate. Now our adult children ask for our input, long to be with us, and love spending lots of time together. They have taken on our faith and seek to know the Lord to a greater depth even as we are coming to know Him.
If I had not had the help of Marilyn and her ministry, I believe I would have lost influence with my kids, losing them to rebellion. They would have continued having increasingly unteachable hearts that would have affected their relationship with God.
I am beyond grateful for how the Lord gave us help through Marilyn, who had walked this path before us and was willing to invest in us through her resources and then through face-to-face real loving relationship. She has helped us come to know the true gospel of the Lord and how it played out in our relationships.
~ Cynthia Marshall
The impact of Marilyn Howshall's ministry in the life of our family has been immeasurable. I became aware of her Empowered Hearts Ministry through the involvement of my wife, Cynthia, in Marilyn’s ministry, Lifestyle of Learning, which is a ministry to homeschooling families.
Cynthia’s heart level changes brought about through the concepts she learned from Marilyn’s publications and teleconferences, and coaching calls really caused me to take notice. She began making significant changes to the wrong patterns of relating in our family.
Cynthia was empowered to face and to speak out the hard truths we needed through the biblical principles she learned from Marilyn. Our family’s interpersonal relationships were being damaged through our lack of understanding. We had accepted what society deems as "normal" for our relationships whether Christian or not.
Through this process we became aware of our lack of skill in developing heart-level relationships with each other and with our children. We began repenting to each other for the hurt we caused by our selfish motivations, and we declared that we never wanted to treat each other that way again. We committed ourselves to dependency on the Holy Spirit to guide our relationships with Him and with each other.
Even though we had participated in vocational ministries as senior leadership with multiple local churches in years past, and we never encountered the truths that Marilyn was able to convey to us that exposed our fleshly behaviors in our relationships with both God and others. Through the years our lives remained self-focused, and we never would have owned our sin in this way with others.
The impact of Marilyn’s ministry in our family was so great that we asked the Lord for the opportunity to move nearer to the Howshalls. We hoped that we might be able to experience life in a community dedicated to developing heart-level relationships and being led by the Holy Spirit. We are so thankful for the process of change that we’ve encountered and continue to walk out in the local community with Marilyn's Empowered Hearts Ministry.
As a licensed and ordained, seminary educated Doctor of Ministry, and vocational Minister of the Gospel for 15 years, I never experienced the truths of Scripture that impacted my family and my relationships with others in this way. In my opinion and experience, the glaring need of both local churches and the Body of Christ at large, is the development of heart-level relational behaviors.
Marilyn’s ministry is beyond anything that typical Bible studies or fill in blank discipleship studies have been able to provide to believers. Marilyn Howshall's alignment with the Holy Spirit through the process she presents in her messages is the most impactful way for the Church and its leaders to address this desperate need in the Body of Christ to be all God intended it to be as fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
Rev. Dr. Peter Marshall
My husband and I were youth ministers many years ago in both denominational and non-denominational churches. We have four children at home ages 18-23.
I was first introduced to Marilyn Howshall in 2000, just after having my fourth child. It was then that I realized I truly did not know how to parent at a heart level to influence my children in positive ways that would result in the fruit of Christ-like loving relationships.
I was doing my best to live Christian principles and values and even to be led by the Holy Spirit in my life. I was aware, however, that my upbringing and the lack of valuable, practical teaching on right relating (true righteousness) was missing. There was such a huge disconnect in my life.
I read all the practical help books that taught how to be a better wife or parent, by giving you things to do, but none of them ever told me how to overcome my fleshly self-centeredness and the sin in my life that always seemed beyond my control. Of course, I had overcome the “majors,” but I am talking about relating with love and a clear conscience.
It would be years before I started to “get it” and that was because by then I was desperate for help and knew that Marilyn's ministry was the only place I knew of to get the kind of help I needed for me and my family. I didn't understand it all at first because she was talking about things I had never heard anyone talk about so specifically.
My marriage and my family were on the brink of total disaster. Truthfully, we did fall apart, but because I was already receiving ministry and instruction through Marilyn's ministry, the Lord was able to bring reconciliation and restoration to our family. If it had not been for Marilyn's ministry, I am certain my husband and I would be divorced, my children struggling with the wounds and baggage they received from us (and we received from our parents). I am not sure I would even be following the Lord. What would be the point if my own family was a wreck? How could I be effective in the church or world, if not in my own life and family relationships? Even if I could it wouldn't mean anything to me.
Instead, my family is thriving with intimate, heart-level relationships. We are all growing, changing, and overcoming in every area of life! Now we are way more effective in our extended family relationships, community, workplace, etc.
It has not been easy, but the transformation of our family has been quite amazing! Thank you, Lord! I am so grateful for Marilyn's willingness minister to us in our marriage and help us in specific and personal ways that actually made a lasting difference.
I have overcome codependency and many wrong relating and wrong thinking patterns. I was able to become a true help to my husband and children. Obviously, my relationship with the Lord has just blossomed as opposed to being in that unfruitful, powerless place.
I am so grateful for the “parenting” I have received through Marilyn’s personal ministry, seminars, books, videos and events. I’ve been helped to grow up in my understanding and to align myself more with the Lord and allow Him to parent me, so that I could, in turn, parent my children. I have their hearts and they are seeking the Lord, wanting to know Him more.
My kids want to be in my company and have my influence. Each of them are full of character and life! They are strikingly different than even many churched kids. Their co-workers take note and even seek to know more from them.
Marilyn's ministry is real and practical in every area of life. We have even begun to transform our financial life after learning more from her about relating rightly with God in our finances.
I came from a dysfunctional family as did most people I know. The church needs to be effective in helping the family and unfortunately they have not been. It is missing the relational aspect. I am so grateful for the privilege of sitting under Marilyn's teachings and ministry. There are no words to fully express the depth of my gratitude for the privilege of having the Lord touch my life through her ministry and experience the fruit of a life lived by His standards!
As a long-time believer, husband, father, and former youth pastor who has been greatly impacted toward positive change in the lives of myself and my family, it is my privilege to highly recommend the ministry of Marilyn Howshall as a source of Godly teaching, personal deliverance, and relational instruction and counseling.
My wife and I were exposed to Marilyn's “Lifestyle of Learning” approach to home education through her published booklets and occasional seminars while serving as youth pastors in the year 2000. We were progressively benefiting from her message as we homeschooled our 4 children over the next few years.
However, the need for healing in our marriage eventually became the greater need. It was Marilyn's instruction and counsel that guided us through a time of separation almost 5 years ago when we would have otherwise ended up most likely divorced.
Although we were back together after a few months, we continued to struggle as we had a lot of relational dysfunction and strongholds to work through. We eventually moved across the country from Georgia to be near the Howshalls in 2015, hoping to get her help to recover our marriage. Over the last few years, Marilyn's teaching, Marriage Intensive Seminars (MINTs), and her personal ministry to us has saved our marriage and saved our children from the emotionally and spiritually ill-prepared condition that most children carry into their own relationships and families.
The Howshalls have a long history of helping many families turn similar struggles into successful outcomes through a ministry that focuses on truth-telling and teaching principles of right relating motivated by Love and reliance on the Holy Spirit.
Marilyn's teaching is simply the best biblical instruction I have ever encountered. The “Church” in general has been failing families for years as shown by plenty of statistics and the lack of true biblical instruction on healthy relating.
Marilyn is one of few ministers willing to do one of the most unpopular things in modern ministry—tell the truth. She is able to confront common familial and relational sin, and strongholds, while graciously instructing toward repentance, healing, and lasting change. This is a work of Love that few have the patience and discernment for, and it was certainly my experience as I personally would have never overcome my sin and wrong perspectives without her ministry.
My whole family has been so blessed to support Marilyn's Empowered Hearts Ministry as leaders in training of the Empowered Hearts Community Church. Marilyn's ministry has certainly been a tremendous blessing to my family and to all who have the opportunity to receive from it.
Testimony from event attendees
“My hubby and I just attended one of your challenges!!! Amazing!! I’m learning so much and God is changing my heart and my family! I can’t wait to start using the additional materials we purchased! Thank you so much for this ministry gifted to us over Facebook! God is doing good things!!! I’ve been so blessed with new insight and seeing change and growth already in myself, my husband, and even our kids! I’ve been desiring some mentoring from older moms and I haven’t been able to find someone whose grown children are still walking with the Lord until I found you. You have so much wisdom to share! I’m so thankful! ~ Noelle H
“I’ve been in a very intense time of seeing more and more of my wrongness and I am wanting more of Christ all the time! I’m repenting and so so sorry for the depth of my sin. I really want all the yuck gone. Thank you, thank you Marilyn and Team for your sacrifice of time and being a wonderful influence in my process of going to the cross!!!” ~ April M
“I’m soaking in the messages and I’m beginning to apply what I’m learning. It is so refreshing, encouraging, and exciting to be gaining clarification on how to parent my children and make changes in my own life to grow closer to the Lord and my family. Thank you Marilyn and Team!!” ~ Jessica H
“I’ve been seeking the Lord for guidance as we enter full time ministry and I begin to homeschool. I’ve already gained SO much wisdom for parenting from Marilyn’s ministry. I can’t wait for more messages! Thank you!” ~ Attendee
“I have seen a difference in my kids in just one day of being more relational and loving over everything else. Wow!” ~ Holly H
“My friend and I have been watching Marilyn’s messages together. I asked her little boy if he noticed any changes in his Mom since she's been watching Marilyn and he said, ‘Yes! Things are so much better!’ My son agreed too that I am so much happier lately, and my other kids also testified that they are happy with the changes going on in our home. It was so cool to see our kids talk about their experiences together. We love Marilyn’s ministry!” ~ Kelly M
“Your messages have helped me to see deeper and deeper levels of my sin and how I’m hurting my family as a result. I’ve been truly broken over the hurts I’ve caused and I’m finding myself regularly on my face before the Lord crying out to Him because my ways are not working and I need more of Him and His ways. My family and marriage are being transformed. Thank you, thank you, thank you! ~ Emily W
“My #1 fear has been that my faults and failures will someday turn my kids off to Jesus. This fear is leaving me now that Jesus is bringing freedom through Marilyn’s ministry!” ~ Amber D
“I’m continually amazed at how your messages continue to equip me in a deeper way to understand truth, righteousness, and how to attain peace on the Lord’s terms. Thank you so much for blessing me and my family in so many ways I am unable to articulate.” ~ Jeri P
“God is answering my deepest prayers through your messages, Marilyn. I’ve been thinking it’s too late to change since I have a 17-year-old, but you have given me so much hope. You are such a huge blessing to me and my family!” ~ Attendee
“My life and family will never be the same. I have experienced conviction over my utter pride and selfishness. I’ve been repenting to my children and husband too, and receiving the precious Holy Spirit. My heart is filled with joy as I walk in a new way, a way of submission and cooperation with the Lord. I just keep crying for joy and in gratitude for His love. Thank you!" ~ Attendee
“These messages are a God-send. More parents need to hear these teachings!” ~ attendee
“I have been a Christian all my life, but never have I heard anything like this. I am from a broken home. I had an undeniable experience with Jesus, He is opening my eyes, and He is so amazing! Thank you for your message! I know God has led me straight to you!” ~ Attendee