Michelle has a testimony about love that led to breaking through her son’s resistance toward learning. I was so blessed to witness up close Michelle’s story as she was going through it in real time with her son, learning how to love him so she could draw him into a desire to learn. I really want you to hear her story too.
Michelle’s Story — She learned how to love her son, and his whole attitude toward learning changed!
“When I brought my son home from public school in order to homeschool him, he hated writing! He grew to hate it because he was forced to compose and scribe paragraphs for years in school, even though writing was physically painful for him. Once I started homeschooling, I had a difficult time having him write even short sentences. He would resist and complain about our daily writing time, and sometimes scream and throw temper tantrums. My efforts to do school at home were only continuing to lead him toward a hatred of writing.
I had heard that there were many Lifestyle of Learning™ (a home education ministry of Marilyn’s) kids who wanted to write, and were improving their writing skills in a natural, self-directed way. I thought, “Well, that won’t be my son!” I worried that I wouldn’t be able to teach him writing, typing or grammar because he hated it so much, and I thought there was NO WAY he would learn it on his own.
Following Lifestyle of Learning™ principles, we began to improve the learning value of our lifestyle by cutting back on passive entertainment, staying home more, and really focusing on improving our family relationships. To my shock and surprise, after joining the Lifestyle of Learning™ Association of Christian Home Educators, my son began to want to respond in writing to posts on the LOLACHE Kids Blog. He started typing one word answers in the forum ON HIS OWN! Then he expanded to a few words with punctuation. Together we corrected the grammar in his short self-directed posts.
After much improvement in the relationships in our home, I had begun to slowly require him to write small bits of information in his notebook we put together with pictures of his dearly loved stuffed animal collection. One day out of the blue, he asked if he could start his own blog to document his stuffed animal collection, because he said he didn’t have enough space in his notebook to say all he wanted to say about them! I was very excited!
Once he started his blog, I realized this self-initiated writing about his interests that I validated was our platform for learning spelling, grammar and punctuation all in a natural way! My son’s need to write was coming from inside him, and he wanted to do it! Now he types out his own ideas for his blog or the LOLACHE Kids Forum, and then we proofread it together. It is thrilling to see how HE is moving his education forward, when I first thought there was no way he ever would! It was through my learning how to truly love my children, which improved our family relationships that my son began to desire to learn!” ~ Michelle G
Do You Struggle with Your Children’s Resistance?
So many moms are experiencing a similar struggle with their children’s resistance as well. Children want to feel loved and understood more than anything. Michelle learned how to love, and as she did, God gave her wisdom for placing appropriate expectations on her son, which were far different from the wrong expectations she had been accustomed to, and which he was struggling against. Once he began to trust her, his heart began to open to receive her God-given wise and appropriate expectations for his education. Her relationship with her son continues to get better all the time.
Ready to Make Loving Actions Your Goal? — and eliminate your children’s resistance toward learning?
Are you ready to make loving actions your new goal so your family notices changes in you? You too can eliminate your children’s resistance like Michelle did. When your children feel loved they will respond to your wise influence. Learning how to love gives you wisdom for how to influence your children with appropriate expectations.
The New Testament is packed full of commands and suggestions for how to live in right relationship with others as we submit our hearts to Christ. Yet so many moms tell us that in all of their years going to church they’ve never heard teachings about HOW to love. That’s why we’ve created the Love’s Actions Seminars, given by Barbie Poling. These 1-hour seminars are a great supplement to my ebook, Empowered—Healing the Heartbeat of Your Family and it’s companion, Love’s Actions.
You can listen to a free audio talking about how the Love’s Actions Seminars creation came about, along with an example of the sorts of things you will hear in the seminars. Sign up for the audio below.
Click here to continue reading more discussion about our need to love like Jesus.