In coming to look at your family’s relational heartbeat, you can feel unsure as to how to proceed making changes in how you and your family members relate with one another. You don’t want to waste time trying on ideas that won’t work, so focus is key.
It’s possible you haven’t yet known your children’s true heart-level needs, and until you understand how every human heart needs to be loved, you won’t be able to fix your family’s relational problems that are really at the core of your difficulties.
You’ll want to hear about our practical tools that will help you tackle making changes in your family’s heartbeat.
A Heart-Level Approach
As you’ve read the complimentary material I offer on my blog you’ve heard of the importance of entering into a process with God’s work in your own life, so He can release His guiding wisdom for how to meet your family’s unique needs. Many of your questions begin to have answers straight from God’s heart to your own.
We want to help make these ideas work for you and your family, and toward that end, we’ve prepared a series of 13 1-hour long seminars, Love’s Actions Seminars, that will convict and inspire you toward understanding in many practical ways how God wants you to begin cooperating with Him in the moment-by-moment and day-to-day of being a parent who loves with Christlike love.
The idea for the Love’s Actions Seminars was inspired by the book of the same title that I compiled to accompany my book, Empowered—Healing the Heartbeat of Your Family. Barbie and I have made a complimentary audio for you discussing how and why we began to make these Love’s Actions Seminars. In the audio, we also give a sample of what sort of message you’ll be hearing in the seminars. You can receive the complimentary audio by clicking the link below.
Mom’s love the practical wisdom in these seminars! Until you really allow God to begin a work in your own heart, you’ll continue to encounter roadblocks that prevent you from the fruit you know you’re supposed to be getting with your efforts. But you won’t know that those roadblocks are coming from within your own heart, and how you’re expressing your heart toward your children through your relational habits. Through the Love’s Actions Seminars, your soul will begin to absorb scriptural truths that couldn’t be any more clear about how to proceed in many practical ways with your family relationships.
It’s time for some relational changes so you can see healing in your family’s heartbeat!
The following blog posts from Barbie are about these powerful words of truth in how to love. In these blog posts Barbie will also be sharing with you some of the testimonies of how other moms have been impacted by the seminars as well.