When Marilyn began to show me specific and practical ways to love my family, as I mentioned in my last blog post, I became transformed.
I wasn’t just receiving information about love, but specific and practical instruction and correction that allowed me to know HOW to change. As I began to obey the Holy Spirit’s conviction through my conscience, my attitudes, intentions, and motivations began to change, which in turn changed my actions toward my family.
My family experienced me being different than I was before. As I began to be transformed, I was able to help my children in the same way. Instead of gaining some interesting information, we were changed. We were transformed.
As I prepared and worked on the Love’s Actions Seminars, my goal was to point you toward cooperating with the Holy Spirit’s work in you toward learning HOW to love much and love well so your life can change too.
The instruction and correction within the audios can clearly show you the way forward. You become aware of what you need to stop doing in your relationships, and what you need to start doing in order to begin to have Jesus’ kind of love’s actions as your habitual way of relating. When your relational habits are being changed, you will become transformed into Christlikeness, and your family will notice and be changed.
It’s my hope to bring conviction to your heart and inspiration for taking positive love actions toward your family. As God makes you into the loving parent He wants you to be, healing your family’s heartbeat will work for you just as it has for me and many other moms who’ve been making these same changes. I want you to hear from a couple of moms who’ve been through the seminars.
Love’s Actions Seminars Bring Transformational Change!
“Last night I listened to the Love’s Actions audio on “patience”. It was exactly what I needed. You described, ‘Pressing in to the relationship while calmly and lovingly telling the truth’. That’s exactly what I was trying to understand when trying to see my disconnect between correcting my children and rightly relating with them at the same time. I just couldn’t connect the two. All of the examples were soooo helpful. I have already been much more liberated this morning and now I am so excited for what the Lord will do. Thank you Barbie!” ~ Becky P
“Barbie, the practical definition of patience and the actions to start and stop really hit home for me. Then your description of what it looks like in each relationship helps pull it all together. You are teaching these Scriptures as I have never heard before. It is so clear. I love the way you teach, Barbie. It’s like the truth slips into my heart and the Lord works it into my life personally. You speak tenderly yet boldly, lovingly yet causing conviction. I was taking notes, but had to stop so I could listen more intently. I’m looking forward to hearing this message again and again. Thank you.” ~ Carlise S
Are You Ready for Change?
Do you need some more understanding of what Christlike love looks like so you can change the way you treat your family and then help them to change too? Love’s Actions Seminars can help you.
You can listen to a free audio talking about how the Love’s Actions Seminars creation came about, along with an example of the sorts of things you will hear in the seminars. Sign up for the audio below.
Click here to continue reading more of my story and more discussion about our need to love like Jesus.