If you’re home educating, do you know how your children can contribute to their education? Many moms don’t consider that their children have something to offer their own learning process, but they do in many ways! Each of your children have very significant (and wise) contributions to make to their individual learning process, but they want and need their concerns and ideas to be listened to.
Instead of listening, moms have a tendency to “rush in where angels fear to tread” and mess with their children’s young attempts at their own learning activities. I’ve seen many moms try to “schoolish-up” their children’s play or play-writing efforts before trust is in place in their relationship. I hope you don’t do this, but if you do, I’d like to encourage you to guard and protect your children’s immature attempts to learn so they can practice building on their own efforts to move their learning process (education) forward. When you protect the ownership of each child’s learning process, trust is built with them, and they’ll want to receive your influence for how to improve on their work.
There are numerous decisions you’ll need to make about your children’s educational activities, and if you begin with trust-building by listening to them, getting to know them, and understanding them, they’ll continue to receive from you—all because they will feel loved. Building trust with your kiddos is one of Christ’s ways of loving them. I know many moms who are starting over with their children by building trust with them and reaping a good reward of positive influence.
I hope you’ll join them by putting a stop to “rushing in where angels fear to tread” and learn the constraining ways of God’s love for your precious kiddos. That’s why we’ve created the Love’s Actions Seminar series. Here’s a mom who really enjoys the Love’s Actions Seminars and listens to them over and over.
“I think the Love’s Actions audios are such a wonderful compliment to Empowered—Healing the Heartbeat of Your Family. They helped me see many of my own particular unloving behaviors the Lord wanted to help me with. I continue to re-listen to them, gaining more and more each time. The Making Heart-Level Connections mini coaching programs are also a wonderful resource for continuing to go deeper with the heart-level work the Lord wants to do in us. All these resources have been a true benefit to me. My husband and I just finished reading together this morning the transcript for the Love’s Actions Seminar ‘Kindness’! It’s SO good! I feel the same way about each of the Love’s Actions Seminars! These days I am listening to ‘Patience’ in the car when I am out and about! I remember when I first heard the seminar on ‘Patience’, I was so amazed at how much more there was to a word I thought I knew in the past. I had always thought I was patient. People had told me I was patient, but I learned that I was mistaken. I learned that being patient is much more active. I mistook passiveness as patience. There is so much more to all the Love’s Actions than I’ve ever known before.” ~ Nancy B
“I agree with you Nancy, the Love’s Actions Seminar audios are fabulous! I just finished listening (again) to Love’s Actions Seminar on ‘Kindness’. It was so encouraging and convicting; wonderfully practical. ~ Catherine D
Are you ready to make loving actions your new goal so your children can learn to trust your expectations of them?
Love’s Actions Seminars can help you get started in learning how to love. These 13 1-hour seminars are a great practical accompaniment to my ebook, Empowered—Healing the Heartbeat of Your Family and it’s companion, Love’s Actions.
If you haven’t gotten our complimentary audios discussing the content of the Love’s Actions Seminars, you can access them by signing up below.